Información sobre Shop-in instancia de Odoo, el ERP de código abierto.
Aplicaciones instalados
- Ventas
- De presupuestos a facturas
- Facturación
- Facturas y pagos
- Sitio web
- Creador de sitios web para empresas
- Dashboard fields
- Add necessary fields
- Website Cart Summary
- Show cart summary info within taxes even if taxes are included
- Shopin Roles and permissions
- Shopin backend users roles and groups.
- Automatic Emails
- Send automatic emails.
- Shop-in locker redirection
- Redirect a user to another url when he has not locker
- Register partner
- Register partner.
- Signup Email Verification
- Whenever any user sign up, that will pass to the email verification process.
- Inventario
- Gestione sus actividades de inventario y logística
- Website Marketplace Checkout
- Show city_id field in checkout page
- Website Shop-in Login/Signin
- A custom login/signup pages for Shop-in theme
- Website Theme Shop-in
- A custom theme for Shop-in website
- Website Marketplace Sign Up
- Add a custom in the website register
- Website Menu
- Add a custom field to website menu to add icons
- Comercio electrónico
- Venda sus productos en línea
- Marketing por correo electrónico
- Diseñe, envíe y rastree correos electrónicos
- Odoo Chatter Position
- Add the options to change the chatter position by user
- Show/hide password Login and Sign up page | hide/show password
- show password in login page, show/hide password in login page, hide show password, show hide password, login page
- Website alert notification
- Show an alert notification
- Geolocalize Address Store
- Select your address with point in map into address before the chekout and analize the nearest store and put in the package this information
- USPS Tracking Validator
- Website E-BOX
- Conversaciones
- Chat, puerta de enlace al correo y canales privados
- Contactos
- Centralice su libreta de direcciones
- Encuestas
- Envíe sus encuestas o compártalas en vivo.
Localizaciones instaladas / Gráficos de cuenta
- Localización base LATAM
- Tipos de identificación LATAM
- Documento LATAM
- Tipos de documentos LATAM